✓ Jaesung Moon

Latest Activity

✓ Daehyun Stormwind replied to ✓ Jaesung Moon's discussion Missing Pieces (Open to Jaesung and Daehyun)
"In another life, they probably would either want to choke the living daylights out of each other or they’d make a great couple. But in this life, Dae and Jae are quite inseparable and in a way, great friendships are often born out of it.…"
Feb 11

✓ Jaesung Moon replied to ✓ Jaesung Moon's discussion The Truth Untold (Open to Jaesung and Hanseol)
"One thing Jae had learned about Han was that he kinda blanked out the time he had spent trapped in the isle, most likely a way he could cope with his trauma so he had remained young and naive seeming for most of his life. There wasn’t really…"
Feb 3

✓ Taealha Kim replied to ✓ Jaesung Moon's discussion Battle of The Klutz (Open to Jaesung and Taealha)
"She blushed because Taealha has always been a journaling girl, she had a bunch of scrapbooks, all decorated with different aesthetics to match. “You should see my biology notes when I was in uni, total museum worthy.” She was proud of…"
Feb 3

✓ Hanseol Park replied to ✓ Jaesung Moon's discussion The Truth Untold (Open to Jaesung and Hanseol)
"He blushed momentarily when Jae said he had been waiting for a while because his definition of early wasn’t quite early when compared to the dhampir. “I forget it’s been almost a century… to be fair, you’re young but…"
Jan 21

✓ Jaesung Moon's Groups

✓ Jaesung Moon's Discussions

The Truth Untold (Open to Jaesung and Hanseol)

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Jaesung Moon Feb 3. 60 Replies

It was the thing every time, Jae's parents would insist on an update from him on a monthly basis where they would sit and go through his report card and GPA, his father would make some snide remarks…Continue

Battle of The Klutz (Open to Jaesung and Taealha) [COMPLETED]

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Taealha Kim Feb 3. 59 Replies

University life had been a really good and interesting experience for Jae, he spent a lot of time here, mostly in the library, studying and just surrounding himself with information. Jae felt like…Continue

Missing Pieces (Open to Jaesung and Daehyun)

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Daehyun Stormwind Feb 11. 53 Replies

In some ways, life was really good for him and in others, it was complicated. Jae knew that was just a part of how things went, there were good days and bad days. He and Han had been doing everything…Continue

Sometimes It Rains (Open to Hanseol and Jaesung) COMPLETED

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Jaesung Moon Nov 23, 2019. 30 Replies

It had been a blissful few weeks. Jae finally felt…Continue

✓ Jaesung Moon's Friends

  • ✓ Penelope Winston
  • ✓ Francesca Guinevere Matthews
  • ✓ Donovan Hendrix ~ Admin
  • ✓ Ember Rinaldi
  • ✓ Miles Evans
  • ✓ Autumn Murphy
  • ✓ Sofi Zahara ~Admin~
  • ✓ Ronan Winters
  • ✓ Hana Sae
  • ✓ Sangeun Moon
  • ✓ Nadiya Delca
  • ✓ Artemitra Astrid Bluemoon
  • ✓ Abraham Maddox
  • ✓ Julian Nathaniel Lockhart
  • ✓ Caleb Eli Segal ~Mod~

Light it up. Light it up. To the air. To the earth.

To the atmosphere.

Name: Jaesung Moon
Korean Name: Moon Jae-Sung (문재성)
Nicknames/Alias: Jae
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Dhampir
Sexuality: Bisexual
Weapon: Dual Daggers
Color: Light Blue
Face Claim: Kim Taehyung
Relationship Status: His

Sangeun Moon

Sangeun has always been the sibling that Jae is closest with despite the fact they have the biggest age gap between them. Eun has always shouldered the weight of the pressure for the rest of his siblings and Jae always looked up to him in return. Eun was also the one who encouraged Jae to chase his dreams in America even when he was scared about what their parents might thing.

Donovan Hendrix

Jae turned to Donovan when he decided he wanted to be a part of the dhampir community in Evermore, he acts are somewhat of a mentor to Jae and helps him with his training. Jae looks up to Donovan as an older brother type figure and often tries to mimic his confidence and attitude to varying degrees of success.

Daehyun Stormwind

Jae met Daehyun one night at the local library and the two of them made fast friends. Despite Daehyun's grumpy nature the dhampir found someone he could really relate to in Dae and he therefore spends a lot of time around time. Their witty jabs at one another often come across as mean but Jae really looks up to the elder male.

Jem Chadwick

What should have turned out to be a very average study session turned out to be something entirely more interesting when Jae showed up to tutor Jem one day. Not only did the rebellious male practically slam the door in Jae's face but he also seemed uninterested in learning. The two of them struck up a mutual agreement and a friendship in the process.

Hanseol Park

Since the moment that Jae tripped over the fallen star in a park late one night, Hanseol has been a constant in his life. From the friend he didn't know he needed to something so much more. Hanseol challenged Jae to question every single aspect of his life and brought out the best parts in him he didn't even know he had. He loves the celestial deeply and will protect him at all costs.

Jaesung Moon was born on a late spring evening in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. Jae was born into an already large family which consisted of his two elder brothers and one elder sister. His siblings were an integral part of his raising and he spent a lot of his time running after them and trying to keep up with the example they were setting for him. Jae was a generally shy child but he thrived from making others laugh and would always pull silly faces or play pranks in order to cheer others up.

Jae and his siblings were always under a lot of pressure from their parents, it was expected to make their family proud that they would study hard and excel in their academics but also, having been born to a vampire father and human mother, they were also all born Dhampirs, which also meant they were all trained in fighting and weaponry from a young age. Being a dhampir was something Jae associated with his identity from a very young age and despite knowing he wouldn’t be claimed by his weapon until his 18th birthday, he trained hard in order to be ready for it when he finally got it.

Jae thought himself lucky for the most part, because the majority of his parent’s expectations fell onto the shoulders of his eldest brother, leaving more room to breathe for the younger child. At school Jae found himself the quiet kid, he was a good listener and generally picked up on things other people didn’t notice. Despite not saying too much he did find himself making friends with his classmates. Sharing one room day in and day out with these other boys eventually allowed them to break through his shy barrier.

Jae found himself very close to his friends group throughout his schooling, he was very protective over them all and could always tell when they were upset or weren’t acting like themselves. Jae would make it his own responsibility to put a smile on their face when he noticed things were difficult for them. He got a bit of a reputation for being a bit of clown thanks to all the different ways he invented to make others laugh and the fact that he seemed to be a natural klutz and would often break things or trip over.

Despite spending a lot of time with his fellow students, much more of it was spent studying so that he could eventually get into a good university. Jae had always enjoyed learning English and had a confidence speaking and comprehending it that most of his classmates seemed to lack. He found himself often going online to read and participate in English speaking forums just to practice his own learning outside of the classroom. Eventually Jae started a running a blog where he wrote reviews of English films and plays he watched which gained a pretty large following.

When exams came around, Jaesung worked around the clock night and day in order to excel in all of the different subjects. Thanks to the grading system, he had to work especially hard to be seen over the top of his peers. He did well overall, getting high grades in most subjects and an outstanding mark in English. By the time Jae had reached his 18th birthday the majority of his siblings were out chasing their own dreams, his two elder brothers having chosen their own paths as a doctor and lawyer respectively and his sister going into veterinary school.

Jae however was still unsure where his place in life was. On the day of his 18th birthday he and his family gathered for his weapon claiming ceremony just as they had for each of his elder siblings before him. As he moved through the dojo he had followed his own intuition until he found himself in front of one of the many cases. With a long nervous breath he had reached forward and opened the case before laying his hands on a pair of serrated daggers which he picked up, twirling around his hands.

Just as he had expected, the weapons had claimed him and emitted a blue, ethereal light blue color which confirmed the bond between them. Jae had never really been big on fighting before his claiming ceremony, only doing the training his parents forced him to go through for the sake of placating them but holding them in his hands he felt a sense of strength come over him that he had never felt before. He felt like he finally had a direction in his life and it helped to sway his decision about what he wanted to do next.

Jae chose to enlist for his 2 year mandatory military service at the age of 18. Whilst all of his friends were moving on to become freshmen at the university they had gotten into, he had made the conscious decision to delay his studies until his service was complete. It was a hard goodbye, he had spent almost his entire childhood alongside these peers and now it was time for them to all move forward to new things but Jae wanted to get the service done so that he could spend all his time after that working on a career that could follow through his life.

Waving goodbye to his parents he had begun his service in the Navy a few weeks later. The training was rigorous and at times harsh but thanks to his supernatural ability, he found the work much easier than many of his peers. He quickly became popular among the fellow trainees who were fascinated by his level of stamina and the sheer speed he could run. Jae did his best to act as human as he could throughout his military service, the last thing he wanted was for questions to be asked that he couldn’t answer.

Jae was a good soldier and worked hard during his service, despite being young and quiet, he got along well with those around him and was promoted throughout the months to a Corporal. Jae never saw himself as much of a leader but the straight and narrow environment he was in made it easier for him, everyone followed the rules and no one questioned them, if they did, they would learn quickly the error of their words. Jae came into the military unsure of himself and where his future lead but when he finally received his dischargement papers 2 years later he had a much better idea of the person he was and what he wanted to do with his life.

Throughout his service Jae had kept up with his writing. Despite not being able to have access to a phone or computer during those two years, he was allow a notebook and pen which he used to write whatever came to his mind during any down time that he was allowed. The little book was filled with half written stories, poems, reviews he never got to finish before his leave of absence and letters to those he had left behind at home.

Having served his country and brought pride to his parents. Jae returned home for a few months whilst he got his life together. English and writing had always been Jae’s passion and it was time for him to chase down what future that could lead to. He knew that he wanted to play on his strengths but also wanted to find something which allowed him to make others happy, two defining pieces of the person he was. His search found him choosing to decline his acceptance to a university in Korea and instead applying for a placement overseas in a journalism and literature course at Evermore University.

A month later and Jae received his acceptance on the diversity program at Evermore University and began to pack up his life in Korea. His family had been shocked and a little disapproving of his choice to immigrate overseas at first but he assured them he would send regular letters home and when he got a well-paying job in America he would pay for his parents to fly over and visit him. It took a lot of convincing and doubt but eventually they agreed to support his choice and he got on a plane bound for America.

Stepping out into the airport, Jae didn’t know what the future would hold, but knowing he was in the capital of the supernatural world, he knew for sure that it would be very different to his life back in Seoul.

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The rainbows

Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 10:50 on December 4, 2021,
✓ Francesca Guinevere Matthews

Figuring out a new skill works for me :)

Would you like to start or for me too?

At 1:37 on December 3, 2021,
✓ Francesca Guinevere Matthews

I'm a dhampir :) 

At 0:04 on December 1, 2021,
✓ Francesca Guinevere Matthews


Would you like to plot?

At 2:43 on February 16, 2021,
✓ Donovan Hendrix ~ Admin
At 17:48 on February 15, 2020,
✓ Hanseol Park

I know I'm like a day late but better late than never, right? Anyways, Valentine's Day isn't quite the same for us as it is for others. Why? Because Feb 14th is our anniversary, it's been a year since we've been official already, Jae :) Here's to another year for us because we both know I'll never let go of you, I'm your Super Glue.

Electric candles because I know we have a thing about candles and I can't trust you with an actual one since you'll end up setting yourself on fire so here it is :3

A tiger plushie because you're my tiger. Those claws have been buried in my heart since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I just didn't know it then. You know how I am, extremely dense and naive, but that's okay because I'm your dense guy.

I know you have to attend classes but I do miss you a lot when you're not there. I may not text as much when I'm away too but just know that there isn't a moment when I don't actually whine when you're not there (just ask Yeon, he's probably going to get customized earbuds because I kept whining about your absence)

Don't worry, I got another one just to fit this one ;)

Aren't I sweet <3

I know we've seen this movie so many times but... I'm framing it.

Happy 1st Anniversary, Jae <3

- Daystar - 

At 14:55 on February 14, 2020,
✓ Hanseol Park

Because you and I both know I'll never go, not when you're there

The light can't shine alone :) Come join me <3

- Your Daystar -

At 16:24 on December 22, 2019,
Fluid Role

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Festive Season of Joy, Your Secret Santa, ~Clara Carter
Image result for moon man necklace"

Happy Christmas 

At 16:46 on November 23, 2019,
✓ Hanseol Park
At 5:28 on November 17, 2019,
✓ Hana Sae

Here we go x)

Hope the starter is alright. Let me know what'cha think! Click Me

At 17:10 on June 4, 2019,
✓ Hanseol Park

Because you're always worth it...

Follow the steps and unlock the surprises <3

- Your beloved Daystar -


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