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Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Malva Ailward Dec 2, 2021. 7 Replies 0 Likes
Nothing was ever simple for any of the Aspects. There was no such thing as…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Abraham Maddox Oct 22, 2020. 3 Replies 0 Likes
The Aspect of Darkness was someone who never opened her…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Artemitra Astrid Bluemoon Jun 12, 2023. 21 Replies 1 Like
Sneaking out was always something she was good at even back many centuries…Continue
Cora Ailward
Looks: 24 Actual: 1268
Ailward Aspect - Aspect of Darkness
Evermore, CO
Emeraude Toubia
Taken by Rashesh Patel
Destined to be Enemies yet slowly becoming the opposite of it all. Rashesh is someone whose turned her dark heart light
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Cora’s hell went on for several years, her parents brushing off her pleads as pathetic and just a seek for attention, the young girl had learned nothing in the ways of magic and every day when she returned home from her daily chores she was faced with Drelaus and this threats. When Cora eventually reached the age of 18 she stood before the coven waiting for her claiming, in the back of the crowds she could see Drelaus watching her, waiting for her to return to him once again that night. There was nothing she could do to escape and nothing she could say to make the others believe in her torture, but as the sky turned black signifying that the girl had been claimed by the Necromancers she felt all of the anger she had bottled up within her explode.
The windows of the nearby houses shattered into pieces and all of her coven covered their ears as they heard her shrill screams through the night and then the young necromancer began to run as fast as she could away from the coven. The coven who had chosen to turn a blind eye to her pain and suffering for the last 5 years and to the man who she would no longer allow to scare her into silence, she would take life into her own hands and end the suffering one way or another.
Once she had made it far enough out of the territory that it was be almost impossible for them to track her down quickly Cora had stopped by a river. She stared at the currents below her and rolled her shoulders back, she was just about to jump when a hand snapped down on her shoulder. In her frightened and threatened position Cora had turned and attacked the person who had touched her afraid that is was Drelaus, but the man who was blown aback just looked back at her with a look of concern.
“I have no intention of hurting you” the man had spoken to Cora in a warm tone, something foreign to the young girl who had known nothing but pain. Cora had told the man that she had nothing to live for, she wouldn’t return home to her own personal hell and there was no other place for her in the world but the man hadn’t taken her explanation as an answer. The man who she came to learn was named Venetus told Cora of a plan he had for the future, of bringing everyone who had seen the world turn on them and for some unknown reason, Cora saw herself believing him.
Soon they could hear the footsteps coming through the forest, her coven were coming for her, coming to take her back to a place she didn’t want to go. Giving the river one last glance she had ran to Venetus’ side and together they had ran until their lungs were ready to give out. Venetus had brought her to the Ailward quarters where she would meet what would become her new family. Though the pain of her past kept Cora quiet and somewhat cold, with time she came to let in her fellow Ailward members and together they worked hard to speak for those with no voice, people like her who needed someone to protect them when no one else would.
Cora hadn’t trusted Mitus from the day the group had met him, there was something about him that screamed horrible thoughts from her past and for that reason she had done her best to steer as clear from him as she could. Cora had seen the man’s jealousy and upon the order of the Ailward’s execution she had not been surprised, many she had met in her life had stooped to such levels that from most it was all she expected. Standing alongside her fellow Ailwards upon her execution she wanted to lash out and to kill every last one of them but she knew that it would go against every value her and the Ailward group had built in the past few years, so she allowed death to come, except that it never fully did.
Upon her execution Cora’s spirit was directed to the realm of the Gods where she met with the Gods themselves, she wasn’t alone however, she was met there by her follow Ailwards. Together they were told of how they were to be resurrected as new beings, capable of creating a better future for the world. Cora was reborn as the aspect of Darkness, tasked with protecting the dark magic that existed within the world, she was also entrusted with a staff, the orb at it’s peak was that of a starry night, reminding her that there is always light through the darkness. The staff gave Cora the ability to shift into a dragon form, it was black as night but it’s eyes burned a stunning yellow.
Upon awakening, Cora and the rest of the Ailwards left America for the Isle of Sky, Cora remained the most reserved out of all of the Aspects and would often be found wandering the gardens in the middle of night unable to rest. Throughout the years she grew close to a guard member who was assigned to protect her, Thana Northwood, they both found peace in one another after coming from similar backgrounds and from there the two spent many afternoons together. Cora and Jasper both had similar humor to one another which allowed them to share jokes that others may have considered crude or crossing a line...
Happy Birthday Cor,
Hope you been doing well. Here's a little something for you on your special day. But this still calls for a few drinks
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